So there's this thing called NaNoWriMo. Where literaryily insane people try to write 50,000 words in just 30 days. I'm not sure how it has escaped my notice all these years. Especially when you consider the fact that I did work in a bookstore for 4 1/2 years, but there ya go.
A few months ago, shortly before moving #3, The roommate and I were discussing various writing projects. She was recently having been inspired to begin her first novel) and I've eager to get back to writing again, but lacking the motivation/inspiration/kick-in-the-butt to sit at my desk and write.
Somehow we conceived of our own writing group and Since November fell conveniently after our Halloween/New House Party, and well before any holiday travel plans, NaNoWriMo became a frequent boogeyman in our house.
This has to be one of the scariest, most terrifying things I have ever had to deal with. Worse than a haunted tour of an Edinburgh graveyard, or waiting at the grocery store for your debit card to go through the day before payday
Let me put it this way. 100,000 words is the standard for manuscript length for most publishing houses. NaNoWriMo is a challenge to write HALF of an entire book in 30 days. Something my above average procrastination skills have only ever managed to accomplish in a matter of years.
People do this.
For FUN?!?!??!
*I* agreed to do this?!
Why did I agree to this? I wasn't that drunk at the Halloween party. Hell, I wasn't even drunk!
Don't panic.. Don't panic.. Don't panic.. Don't panic.. Don't panic.. Don't panic.. Don't panic.. Don't panic..
Don't mind me, I'll just be the girl, huddled around her laptop, eating her own hair cursing the inadequacies of Google and thesaurus.com calling out random brobdingnagian words, ranting about creative flow vs. the writing applications of Occam's razor and figuring out how to pay for all the therapy I'm going to need to deal with my kakorrhaphiophobia
*Deep Breath*....*DEEP...Breath*
Okay back to work now.
Here's hoping my fingers don't freeze and my brain doesn't boil.
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