Saturday, August 4, 2012

Moving, Moving, Moving

In 36 days, I will be moving, again. This will make the third house-shift in twelve months and then I am done!
It’s my own fault really; I cursed myself. As a former military-brat, I was used to moving every six-months-two years and the idea of having lived in a single apartment for more than four years had my fingers itching for box tape and indelible markers. By the time my roommate and I found a place we both agreed would be acceptable, I was nearly in a fetal position crying “ready to move, ready to move, ready to move”  

But then we had (unknowingly) made the fateful decision to move into a complex managed by a woman who I am convinced is an actual psychopath. At the very least, she is a pathological liar.

"Two-bedroom with washer and dryer hook-ups on the first floor? Yes we have those."  LIE

"Available for your move in date? Yes" LIE

"Actually, the one I thought had hook-ups doesn’t but we’ll have one in 45 days." LIE

"The one that is coming open is going to need a lot of repairs." LIE

In the end, we had to move into an apartment without hook-ups for three months and then move into a second apartment-on the second floor- and our apartment ended up being a three-bedroom. Which Miss-schiz gave us for a two-bedroom price. For the inconvenience

To make things worse, the above examples are just the move-in related lies that we have caught her in. There have been so many others.

Now we are at the end of that lease and my roommate and I are ready to run for the hills into any available apartment.

But we don’t have to!   

As it turns out, a co-worker of a friend of my roommates will have a rental-house with a vacancy at the exact time of our lease’s expiration. AND there’s a yard with a fence, and a pool and two parking spaces right out front and it’s not a mile-long walk down/up a hill to take the dog out or check the mail. 

So in 36 days the lease will be up and we'll be done! and I will never move again...for at least 3 years.

I’m so excited!…and I just can’t hide it! 

Please, don’t start singing that song!

NO! Really. Please! Don’t!!

Okay…. I’m going to go pack now. 

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