Friday, August 31, 2012

The Law of Inevitable Needing aka. Why Moving Sucks

As I mention in my last post, we're moving again. The roommate and I are deep in the "Oh-My-God-we're-never-gonna-get-all-this-crap-out-of-here!!!!" stage of packing.

Why do we keep doing this to ourselves? We know the move is coming. We've known for MONTHS The widget on my phone has been counting down the days and we've been anxiously, excitedly repeating that countdown like a mantra to keep our sanity as we attempt to deal the the anguish of living in this craptacular apartment for a blessedly short fraction of sample a remainder of the month. .

I don't mind the packing, or the unpacking. but its the actual lugging of all my worldly possessions from one place to another that I find to be painful. Its confronting the reality that I own a lot of crap. and I mean A LOT.

How did this happen? how did I become such a sucker for all the marketing and impulse-purchasing? When I did become such a possessor of things? When did surround myself with all this stuff?

Experienced movers will understand that I'm in that "Did I really think I needed that when I bought it, and I why God why have I held on that thing for so long, and I should just donate everything to Goodwill and feel good about myself-but then really I'd still have to actually move all this stuff-just to Goodwill instead of my new place"--stage of moving.

The part of the move when you seriously consider selling everything you own on EBay--like that one guy who actually did it-- and more and more you find yourself considering a commune, or an ashram or just moving to Russia---except, then I'd have to learn more Russian and I'm just not that great with the Slavic languages.

The most annoying aspect of the moving processes--especially when you have a lot of time before the actual move is finding the balance of waiting to pack and actually packing.

There is a sort of Murphy’s law of packing---that I call the "Law of Inevitable needing" You have things. you pack those things. The NEXT day you realize that you need those things which you have just packed, and you don't have a friggin clue which box the things you need are in. It doesn't matter what that thing it is. It could be a silver collectors spoon your great-Aunt gave you that was given to her by P.T. Barnum in 1912 or the Ziploc bags. Even if you haven't used that thing or even looked at it in years! The day after you pack it will be the day that Antique Roadshow comes to town, or you decide to take a sandwich for lunch.

The law of inevitable needing.

I can feel the stress rising like a barometer. The roommate is out of town (She had the chance to go to DRAGON-CON for pretty much FREE!) I'm on my way out the door to meet the cable guy at the new place, and the movers come tomorrow.

At least tomorrow night I will be enjoying my inaugural night in the new house and hopefully all that will be left is a car load or two of miscellaneous bits.

By next weekend the move will be 100% complete and we can start focusing on our housewarming/Halloween party that we hope will go down in history (and not in flames)

Wish us luck!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Moving, Moving, Moving

In 36 days, I will be moving, again. This will make the third house-shift in twelve months and then I am done!
It’s my own fault really; I cursed myself. As a former military-brat, I was used to moving every six-months-two years and the idea of having lived in a single apartment for more than four years had my fingers itching for box tape and indelible markers. By the time my roommate and I found a place we both agreed would be acceptable, I was nearly in a fetal position crying “ready to move, ready to move, ready to move”  

But then we had (unknowingly) made the fateful decision to move into a complex managed by a woman who I am convinced is an actual psychopath. At the very least, she is a pathological liar.

"Two-bedroom with washer and dryer hook-ups on the first floor? Yes we have those."  LIE

"Available for your move in date? Yes" LIE

"Actually, the one I thought had hook-ups doesn’t but we’ll have one in 45 days." LIE

"The one that is coming open is going to need a lot of repairs." LIE

In the end, we had to move into an apartment without hook-ups for three months and then move into a second apartment-on the second floor- and our apartment ended up being a three-bedroom. Which Miss-schiz gave us for a two-bedroom price. For the inconvenience

To make things worse, the above examples are just the move-in related lies that we have caught her in. There have been so many others.

Now we are at the end of that lease and my roommate and I are ready to run for the hills into any available apartment.

But we don’t have to!   

As it turns out, a co-worker of a friend of my roommates will have a rental-house with a vacancy at the exact time of our lease’s expiration. AND there’s a yard with a fence, and a pool and two parking spaces right out front and it’s not a mile-long walk down/up a hill to take the dog out or check the mail. 

So in 36 days the lease will be up and we'll be done! and I will never move again...for at least 3 years.

I’m so excited!…and I just can’t hide it! 

Please, don’t start singing that song!

NO! Really. Please! Don’t!!

Okay…. I’m going to go pack now.