Thursday, April 12, 2012

Off and Running

I want to be a writer

Technically, I am a writer.  I have a finished draft of my first fiction novel, and I'm working on the next, but I would like to actually get paid to write.  Have an agent, a publisher, and a copy of my book hardbound and on bookstore shelf near you.

Before I know it, the awards will start coming in along with the money, the jealous haters, and the fans. 
Then it will only be a matter of time before my tragically-predictable death and the release of a final posthumous novel discovered in a filing cabinet full of pictures of my cat and prose written on used restaurant napkins— assembled and completed by a middle-aged son who always resented me for my fame. 

The ungrateful bastard.

Where was I?

I'm still working out all kinks (such as my own laziness and procrastination) in my plan to take over a small corner of  the literary world.  In the meantime, I need to starting building my empire and stretching my writing skills beyond work emails asking:

“Hey, what are you having for lunch?  I brought a lean-pocket, but I’m not feeling it.  What are they having in the cafeteria?”

I have chosen a blog in order to prepare myself for the scrutiny, rejection, and - ya’ know - the positive stuff that a future will bring as I attempt to scale the publishing mountain.  A personal journal won’t do because the only person who could possibly mock a personal journal is a little brother or sister, and alas, I have neither.

So, here I am throwing my hat into the blogosphere.

What can you expect to find here? 

  • ·Random Acts of Writing
    •  This could pop up as anything, but will most likely fall into these categories:
      • Personal Rants
        • Look for the word “douche” to appear often
      • Stream-of- Scribbling
        • Like those journaling exercises at the beginning of English class but with my own twisted take 
        • Submit your suggestions to with the Subject “Stream-of-Scribbling Suggestion” --try saying five times fast while you do ;) 
      • Feats of Fiction 
        • Short pieces of fiction or the occasional page or two from my Work-In-Progress (W.I.P) folder
  • Book reviews 
    • The nature of my job requires very little human interaction (yay technology!) so I get to listen to audio books all day and I have to tell someone what I thought, so why not you (feel special yet?)
Also, an  !! exclusive !!  behind-the-scenes look at who how my roommate and I are slowly aiding  the evolution of the English language by inventing our own words or annexing existing ones for our own unique applications.

(Announcer voice) All this and more! 

So please read and hopefully enjoy.  Spread the URL across the universe --and any other verses you may have access to (just in case Doctor Who or Joss Whedon are reading this)-- and comeback soon.  



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